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H P State U-17 Selection Trial-2024

Last update 25.10.2024 10:45:58, Creator/Last Upload: Raj

TournamentselectionU-19 Boys, U-19 Boys Selection Trial, U-17 Boys Selection Trial, U-19 Girls, U-19 Girls Selection Trial, U-17 Girls Selection Trial
Parameterselection show tournament-details, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank list, Alphabetical list of players, Federation-, Game- and Title-statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Time-table
Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/6 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6
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Starting rank crosstable

No.AAARtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Kushagra Chandel1649IND 22w1 27b0 28w1 31b1 17w1 5b½4,55192115,25
2Divyansh Dhiman1493IND 23b0 21w1 25b1 27w0 28b0 26w132217199,00
3Neeraj Verma1460IND 24w1 29b1 17w1 23b1 40b1 12w0521920,515,00
4Mardav Bhaikta1415IND 25b1 31w0 29w1 32b1 23w1 7b0491617,510,50
5Arush Rana1413IND 26w1 34b1 23w0 36b1 35w1 1w½4,5616,517,512,25
6Abhinay0IND 27b0 22w0 18w0 21b0 38w1 -123315163,00
7Abhishek Gupta0IND 28w1 36b1 27w½ 35b½ 41w1 4w153182117,75
8Abid Khan0IND 29b0 24w1 41b0 39b1 31w1 40b14121415,511,00
9Aditya Raj Chandel0IND 30w1 37b1 40w0 42b0 32w1 28b½3,51615,517,59,25
10Aditya Rajput0IND 31b0 25w0 24b0 14w0 -1 38b123813143,00
11Aditya Sharma0IND 32w1 40b0 34w1 43b1 42w1 27b154141511,50
12Aditya Sharma0IND 33b1 41w1 31b1 40w½ 27b1 3b15,51171917,25
13Adrash Bhupal0IND 34w- 26b- 36w- -0 -0 -0043000,00
14Akshat Bodh0IND 35b½ 39w0 42w0 10b1 18w½ 24b023414,516,55,00
15Anil Thakur0IND 36w0 28b0 26w1 38b1 43w1 41b+41015,516,59,00
16Ankush Chauhan0IND 37b0 32w0 33b1 25w0 21w0 29b12351415,53,50
17Arik Khimta0IND 38w1 42b1 3b0 37w1 1b0 35w14818,519,510,00
18Aryan Verma0IND 39b½ 35w0 6b1 41w0 14b½ 31w132612,514,56,25
19Ashish Sharma0IND 40w0 38b1 37w0 26b1 36w0 32b+32515,516,56,00
20Ashutosh Sharma0IND 41b0 33w1 32b0 28w0 34b1 37w023613,514,53,00
21Ayushman Rialch0IND 42w0 2b0 38w0 6w1 16b1 43b132712136,00
22Bhuvan Chauhan0IND 1b0 6b1 43w0 29w½ 37b1 39b13,5171415,58,25
23Dhruv Garg0IND 2w1 43b1 5b1 3w0 4b0 36w031820,522,59,50
24Divyam Gautam0IND 3b0 8b0 10w1 34w1 25b0 14w132317185,00
25Divyansh Rana0IND 4w0 10b1 2w0 16b1 24w1 42b1411151710,00
26Ishan Lukhiyan0IND 5b0 13w+ 15b0 19w0 33w1 2b023116,518,54,00
27Khushpreet Singh0IND 6w1 1w1 7b½ 2b1 12w0 11w03,514232512,00
28Kshitij Gautam0IND 7b0 15w1 1b0 20b1 2w1 9w½3,515202210,75
29Lakshyaveer Suryavanshi0IND 8w1 3w0 4b0 22b½ 39w0 16w01,53919215,75
30Narender Thakur0IND 9b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00423,53,50,00
31Nitin Rana0IND 10w1 4b1 12w0 1w0 8b0 18b022921236,00
32Ojas0IND 11b0 16b1 20w1 4w0 9b0 19w-23216,518,54,00
33Parul0IND 12w0 20b0 16w0 -1 26b0 34w123713,514,53,00
34Piyush Sharma0IND 13b+ 5w0 11b0 24b0 20w0 33b014016,517,51,00
35Pulkit Gautam0IND 14w½ 18b1 39w1 7w½ 5b0 17b032119219,00
36Ritik0IND 15b1 7w0 13b+ 5w0 19b1 23b14720,523,514,00
37Ritvik Banyal0IND 16w1 9w0 19b1 17b0 22w0 20b132416187,00
38Shashwat Jaswal0IND 17b0 19w0 21b1 15w0 6b0 10w014116183,00
39Sujal0IND 18w½ 14b1 35b0 8w0 29b1 22w02,52815,5175,00
40Sunil Kumar0IND 19b1 11w1 9b1 12b½ 3w0 8w03,513232614,25
41Suryansh Thakur0IND 20w1 12b0 8w1 18b1 7b0 15w-31919,522,59,00
42Tarul0IND 21b1 17w0 14b1 9w1 11b0 25w032019,521,58,50
43Vaibhav Rana0IND -1 23w0 22b1 11w0 15b0 21w023018,520,55,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)