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.הזמנה תפורסם בקרוב בקבוצת התחרויות של מועדון אטיוד רמת גן
:ליצירת קשר
פז אבינרי - 058-4577220

Autumn in Ramat Gan C

Last update 02.12.2024 20:53:23, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 112)

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Ranking crosstable after Round 4(2 results missing)

Rk.AAARtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Avineri Ronit1366ISR 12w1 6b1 10w1 11b144502212
2Yofe Eyal1437ISR 7w1 9b1 3b1 4w389,502208
3Bar Zeev Lavie1482ISR 11w1 8b1 2w0 7b137801603
4Raveh Idan1418ISR 13w1 10b1 6w1 2b36702177
5Drubin Shani1315ISR 6w0 16b1 9w½ 13b12,54,55,501484
6Agmon Michael1413ISR 5b1 1w0 4b0 14w129,510,501332
7Drubin Emanuel1336ISR 2b0 18w1 14b1 3w027701334
8Fire Britt1405ISR 17w1 3w0 15b 12b125601534
9Ramot Yair1405ISR 18w1 2w0 5b½ 15w1,56,56,501323
10Dayan Shai1400ISR 14b1 4w0 1b0 16w018901165
11Hilewitz Judah1374ISR 3b0 17w 18b1 1w018801230
12Ungar Lavi1462ISR 1b0 15w1 16b 8w017801272
13Klein Ido1318ISR 4b0 14w0 17b1 5w016,57,501118
14Sheiner Louis1200ISR 10w0 13b1 7w0 6b015601174
15Gorodetsky Alex1332ISR 16w1 12b0 8w 9b14,55,511441
16Fusman Noam1420ISR 15b0 5w0 12w 10b114,55,521224
17Gal Eyal1284ISR 8b0 11b 13w0 18w114401218
18Pupkin Shaked1217ISR 9b0 7b0 11w0 17b004,55,50550

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (DE)
Tie Break4: Performance (variable with parameter)