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Moulvibazar 1st Invitation Rapid Rating Chess Tournament-2024

Last update 25.10.2024 16:24:20, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1CMSaiful Islam, Chowdhury10208038BAN2136
11Tutul, Dhar10221166BAN2014
2Asaduzzaman, Ahad10224181BAN1996
10Rana Pratap, Singha10208151BAN1994
3Wajiul, Mehdi10222723BAN1926
5Radha Kishor, Singha10224394BAN1925
6Md Delwar Hossain, Chowdhury10259619BAN1893
7Shah Md. Saiful, Ali10224424BAN1883
4Rezaul, Karim Chowdhury10246924BAN1877
12Muhammed, Abdur Rob10259694BAN1809
8Md, Mohsin Ali10246843BAN1799
9Fardus Hasan, Chowdhury10256750BAN1740