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Queens College 180th Anniversary Alumni vs Students Chess Tournament

Last update 24.10.2024 18:17:55, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

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Starting rank list

1Barkoye, Samuel0StudentD House - D'Urban
2Browne-Low, Elson0AlumniH House - Wooley
3Chong, Kim Shing0AlumniC House - Austin
4Cole, Claire0StudentH House - Wooley
5Cole, Jeremy0StudentH House - Wooley
6Cole, Timothy0StudentH House - Wooley
7Couchman, Aniyah0AlumniK House - Cunningham
8Couchman, Kyle0StudentK House - Cunningham
9Sears, Michael0AlumniK House - Cunningham
10Felix, Gabriel0StudentD House - D'Urban
11Garnett, Giovanni0StudentK House - Cunningham
12Goliah, Ryan0AlumniD House - D'Urban
13Grant, Joshua0AlumniL House - Nobbs
14Jagnandan, Andre0AlumniG House - Moulder
15Lachhman, Rebha0StudentK House - Cunningham
16McGarrell, Ronaldo0AlumniE House - Pilgrim
17Narine, Ricardo0AlumniD House - D'Urban
18Nasir, Irshaad0StudentL House - Nobbs
19Persaud, Anand0StudentK House - Cunningham
20Puran, Kishan0AlumniB House - Raleigh
21Raghunauth, Arysh0StudentC House - Austin
22Rajkumar, Mahir0StudentE House - Pilgrim
23Rajkumar, Maliha0StudentE House - Pilgrim
24Sam, Kataleya0StudentK House - Cunningham
25Sawh, Shailendra0AlumniD House - D'Urban
26Singh, Aravinda0AlumniB House - Raleigh
27Thomas, Jamal0AlumniF House - Weston