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National Championships - (Women's) 2024

Last update 03.11.2024 19:34:54, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

Starting rank list of players

8WCMWatson, Gabriella7402538JAM1854Immaculate Conception High Sch
6Gayle, Kaia7405448JAM1655St. Andrew High School For Gir
1Matandara-Clarke, Suraiya7407270JAM1548Hillel Academy
2Murphy, Glory7407599JAM1537Home Schooled
7Gayle, Kaity7405081JAM1494St. Andrew High School For Gir
5Moses, Kayla7407076JAM1491Campion College
10WCMO'connor, Zaina7403909JAM1474Meadowbrook High School
9Patel, Elisha7408021JAM1461Hopefield Prep School
4Leake, Emilia-Rose7407238JAM1370Creative Kids Learning Academy
3Yankana, Danielle7406690JAM1230Campion College