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National Championships - (Absolute) 2024

Last update 03.11.2024 19:35:15, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

Starting rank list of players

4FMChristie, Joshua7402074JAM2235UWI
9FMSmith, Shreyas7400713JAM2220Adult
6FMShaw, Jaden7402880JAM2087Wolmer's Boys' School
8FMGlaves, Raheem7402724JAM2085Adult
7Mcdonald, Jhustice-Dimonte7402481JAM1948Adult
5Hope, Nathaniel7404999JAM1778St. Jago High School
1Chin, J-Loy7404123JAM1765St. Jago High School
10Hare, Nathan7406517JAM1743Adult
3Harvey, Corbin7404794JAM1673Wolmer's Boys' School
2Mckoy, Troy7401949JAM1580Chess Stars