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12th Khelo Chess India Sunday Masters Chess 2024

Senast uppdaterad27.10.2024 08:01:02, Creator/Last Upload: ChessBase India

Lista över spelare

1AGMNiklesh, Kumar Jain5037921IND1939
6Saxena, Anshul5086787IND1854
3Vedant, Bhardwaj25133497IND1768
2Siddharth, Jain33348537IND1650
4AIMChoudhary, Sagar35082965IND1642
5AFMSourabh, Joshi25798170IND1576
7Jain, Medant48774529IND1482
8Daniel, Pramod25668900IND1403
9Amay, Agrwal531028993IND1200
10Shourya, Lahoti531029442IND1200