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Kaski District Rapid Championship - 2081 contact for NA Ram Bahadur Chhetri 12300799

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.10.2024 18:30:06, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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1Sai, Sagar12328189NEP1815
2Nalmi, Binod12309397NEP1795
3Subedi, Sushil12335142NEP1775
4Parajuli, Bishow12313750NEP1739
5Baral, Govinda12352780NEP1729
6Thapa, Parebesh12353337NEP1597
7Bhandari, Yubraj12319066NEP0
8Chhetri, SafalNEP0
9Darji, SushilNEP0
10Gurung, AnmolNEP0
11Gurung, JenishNEP0
12Paneru, AlishmaNEP0
13Pokhrel, ArpanNEP0
14Poudel, AayushNEP0
15Poudel, GarishmaNEP0
16Poudel, GaurabNEP0
17Pun, RoshanNEP0
18Rai, AlexNEP0
19Thapa, PabishNEP0
20Thapa, RamNEP0