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Norfolk & Norwich Autumn Rapidplay 2024 Juniors U1000

Seinast dagført02.11.2024 17:36:57, Creator/Last Upload:

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1Qiao, StuartENG866
2Joseph, NoelENG863
3Farley, SamENG850
4Perlman, ArthurENG834
5Shunmugam, SaikrishnaENG820
6Tooley, GeorgeENG819
7Tripathi, AdvikENG807
8Di Maria, RiccardoENG800
9Fuller, JoeENG800
10Silvester, RalphENG771
11Toedtmann, QuinnENG763
12Kimura Wigley, NicoENG759
13Rafiq, FarhanENG755
14Holgate, ReubenENG750
15Pickford, EwanENG750
16Sambrook, RobinENG745
17Allwin Christopher, Dawid JasonENG676
18Colman, FreddieENG600
19Spohr, PhilipENG600
20Kesanupalli, Ram SwaminathanENG539
21Paterson, DominicENG455
22Kallepu, HayaanENG433