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Norfolk & Norwich Autumn Rapidplay 2024 U1400

Վերջին արդիացում02.11.2024 17:52:02, Creator/Last Upload:

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Tripathi, AmitENG1380
2Lee, JohnENG1350
3Moore, David WENG1324
4Klepikovska, Larysa34165541UKR1283
5Perry, BenjieENG1196
6Kesanupalli, SridattaENG1180
7Potter, GeorgeENG1121
8Dannatt, FreddieENG1110
9Etonyeaku, JoshuaENG1100
10Haxell, DanielENG1096
11Ahmed, JunaidENG1085
12Walker, Heather Enid343402127ENG1080
13Tzelgov, JonathanENG1077
14Medina, GaiaENG997
15McLean, MyloENG950