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انتخابی بازنشستگان (کارگری) شرق تهران بزرگ

Senast uppdaterad23.10.2024 15:23:19, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 140)

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1Pour Eskandar, Aliakbar12544094IRI1801
2Valiolah, Karim22541918IRI1734
3Azizi Tafreshi, Ali Akbar12533769IRI1635
4Aghababaei, NaserIRI0
5Allahyari, ShahabIRI0
6Ghazanfari, RahmanIRI0
7Karim, MehrdadIRI0
8Monjazebi, Mohammad TaghiIRI0
9Noroozizadeh, AlirezaIRI0
10Sadeghi Nik, AhmadIRI0