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Prv rejtinguvan Blitz Turnir na Sahovskiot Klub KARPOSH za sezonata 2024/25

Last update 23.10.2024 14:43:11, Creator/Last Upload: Ljubohm

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Starting rank

1Eftovski, Sashko15004732MKD2073
2Jankov, Saso15002101MKD2016
3Glavinac, Goran15001881MKD2005
4Ristovski, Pavle15004180MKD1947
5Ranic, Viktor15002870MKD1941
6Eftovski, Mateo15004910MKD1897
7Skerlevski, Dushko15018105MKD1894
8Tevdovski, Zoran15003809MKD1891
9Cvetkovski, Slobodan15001202MKD1885
10Nikolovski, David15007197MKD1883
11Batkoski, Nenad15002780MKD1861
12Kromov, Ile15005011MKD1854
13Golubovic, Tomislav15003043MKD1793
14Krstevski, Vladimir15004899MKD1744
15AFMNovevski, Bojan15007111MKD1602
16Glavinac, Darijan15013847MKD1578
17Krstevski, Pavel15009769MKD1535