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[K7XQ] K7 XIANGQI TRAINING (23.10.2024)

Վերջին արդիացում23.10.2024 15:10:56, Creator/Last Upload: xiangqimelaka

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Hong, Jie Lin JaydenMAS1620
2Loo, Jia HowMAS1610
3Koh, Hong JieMAS1600
4Tan, Hui XinMAS1590
5Chi, Yu KaiMAS1580
6Ngoi, Yi LokMAS1570
7Yeo, JessinMAS1560
8Tan, Yu YangMAS1550
9Tan, Cheng AnMAS1540
10Lee, Ming JuinMAS1530
11Yeo, JesmineMAS1520
12Loo, Jia HueyMAS1510