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ukáž detaily turnaja
41. offene Grazer Jugendschachmeisterschaft 2024 U10/U12 Posledná aktualizácia 14.12.2024 15:24:30, Creator: Jugendschach Steiermark,Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband (Eloreferent)
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Grobotek, Liam | 14665778 | SLO | 1551 |
2 | | Kardos, Levente | 17014700 | AUT | 1492 |
3 | | Brezlan, Noel | 1690450 | AUT | 1463 |
4 | | Klug, Daniel | 1670840 | AUT | 1458 |
5 | | Stögerer, Jonathan | 1674145 | AUT | 1430 |
6 | | Salkic, Tarik | 1687336 | AUT | 1429 |
7 | | Kardos, Andras | 364105190 | AUT | 1405 |
8 | | Kögl, Ben | 1699911 | AUT | 1250 |
9 | | Lang, Lorenz | 530002940 | AUT | 1242 |
10 | | Yuan, Muge | 530000076 | AUT | 1239 |
11 | | Jauk, Juliane | 1676318 | AUT | 1224 |
12 | | Kurz, Kilian Leon | | AUT | 1200 |
13 | | Öreg, Hunor | 1698001 | AUT | 1200 |
14 | | Peinthor, Marco | 1692275 | AUT | 1200 |
15 | | Grobotek, Vanessa Eva | 14665107 | SLO | 0 |
16 | | Peinthor, Marvin | | AUT | 0 |