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Last update 23.10.2024 12:30:55, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.5)

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1Rodriguez Garcia, Ricardo Jose3913422VEN2083
2Cedeno Cedeno, Santiago Leandro3988430VEN1923
3Flores Rodriguez, Carlos3908321VEN1886
4Palladino Guayapero, Vincenzo3951707VEN1877
5Hernandez Galicia, Jose Gabriel3945294VEN1869
6Brito Marquez, Sophia Valentina3951529VEN1857
7Velasquez Marin, Glaycell Daniela3946762VEN1801
8Aruspon Pedrique, Jose Gregorio3933768VEN1800
9Ortiz Avila, Leonard David3947556VEN1799
10Culpa Gomez, Jose Daniel3976874VEN1785
11Hernandez Patino, Jesus David3945308VEN1777
12Cardenas Chavez, Victor Manuel3933130VEN1769
13Gutierrez Osorio, Porfirio Rafae3919919VEN1757
14Cabrera Rincones, Juan Santiago3970574VEN1697
15Garcia Acosta, Victoria Maria3976211VEN1608
16Urbaez Naranjo, Jose Eulalio23919280VEN1570
17Rojas Rivas, Jesus Rafael3998045VEN1520
18Cabrera Rincones, Sergio Andres3989763VEN1436
19Brito Rodriguez, Desiree Valentina3987086VEN1429
20Guzman Pedroza, Alejandra Valentina23910593VEN1429
21Morillo Aguilera, Said Alejandro3945871VEN1416
22Rondon Rodriguez, Frank Miguel3962610VEN0