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Steirische Jugendschachrallye in Graz - U18

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony10.11.2024 16:15:22, Creator/Last Upload: Jugendschach Steiermark

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Lista startowa

1Stögerer, Konstantin1741U14
2Brenner, Nico1718U16
3Pötscher, Katharina1611U16
4Mushynskyi, Emmanuil1567U18
5Harmtodt, Maximilian1527U16
6Kardos, Levente1492U12
7Pichler, Laurenz1389U14
8Hausberger, Christoph1265U14
9Kohlroser, Nico1235U16
10Kröpfl, Raphael1200U18
11Pendl, Florian1200U18
12Bratschitz, Alexander0U14
13Eibisberger, Ben0U14
14Hajdinjak, Christopher0U16
15Rabl, Tim0U14