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Torneo Nacional e Internacional "Peon de dama" 1era edicion Sub-15Վերջին արդիացում18.11.2024 20:46:07, Creator/Last Upload: Arbitraje Xalapa
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Reyes Rivera, Jose Isaac | 5142067 | MEX | 1832 | Veracruz |
2 | | Roque Marin, Osmar Tadeo | 5158826 | MEX | 1707 | Veracruz |
3 | | Pulido Velasco, Miriam Pamela | 5143128 | MEX | 1686 | Veracruz |
4 | | Arellano Viveros, Joqsan | 29632897 | MEX | 1645 | Veracruz |
5 | | Romero, Martinez Ian | | MEX | 1618 | Veracruz |
6 | | Zuccolotto, Gomez Maximo Alejandro | | MEX | 1524 | Veracruz |
7 | | Ordonez, Aguirre Diego | | MEX | 1497 | Veracruz |
8 | | Ayestas Zegarra, Bryan Rey Ky | | MEX | 0 | Veracruz |
9 | | Ayestas Zegarra, Maximo Steven | | MEX | 0 | Veracruz |
10 | | Guzman Mil, Erick Geovanni | | MEX | 0 | Veracruz |