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Torneo Nacional e Internacional "Peon de dama" 1era edicion Sub-13

Last update 23.10.2024 06:18:30, Creator/Last Upload: Arbitraje Xalapa

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Alphabetical list

1Castillo Chavez, Brandon51858661566MEXVeracruz
2Chiunti Castillo, Lev Gael0MEX
3Gonzales Ramirez, Leonel0MEX
4Martinez, Arellano Paolo296507981589MEXVeracruz
5Meneses, Barragan Mateo1547MEXVeracruz
6Montalvo Lopez, Duma Esau0MEX
7Solano Alpuche, Amira0MEX
8Souza, Morales Lucia296280751549MEXVeracruz
9Villalobos Caldelas, David Eduardo0MEX