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Ajedrecistas de los 87 municipios de Santander Nacidos (2007, 2008, 2009)Juegos Intercolegiados de Ajedrez SANTANDER 2024 Categoria Juvenil FemeninaPosledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 16:15:48, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Gomez Araque, Laura Sofia | 4463480 | SAN | 1684 | BUCARAMANGA |
2 | | Lozano Florez, Gabriela | 144433123 | SAN | 1600 | GIRON |
3 | | Velandia Sandoval, Andrea Catalina | 144412851 | SAN | 1500 | |
4 | | Reyes Pinzon, Isabella | 4482247 | SAN | 1400 | FLORIDABLANCA |
5 | | Serrano Jimenez, Adriana Valentina | 144407050 | SAN | 1400 | BARRANCABERMEJA |
6 | | Delgado Ardiila, Diana Alejandra | | SAN | 0 | BUCARAMANGA |
7 | | Hernandez Grateron, Sofia | | SAN | 0 | BUCARAMANGA |
8 | | Lizcano Jaimes, Deisy Julieth | | SAN | 0 | PIEDECUESTA |
9 | | Penuela Baez, Nicolle | | SAN | 0 | BUCARAMANGA |
10 | | Riano Arenas, Helen Amelia | | SAN | 0 | PIEDECUESTA |
11 | | Rueda Barrera, Nancy Tatiana | | SAN | 0 | MOGOTES |
12 | | Villamizar Pereira, Sofia | | SAN | 0 | BUCARAMANGA |