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Torneo Primavera Club SolĂ­s de Pando

Last update 19.11.2024 14:31:45, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)


Round 1 on 2024/10/21 at 21
121648Beledo, Carlos1 - 0Martinez, Nelson13935
231885Mattos, Hermes1 - 0De Amores, Thiago15174
311324Colina, Gaston0bye0-1
Round 2 on 2024/10/28 at 21
151393Martinez, Nelson0 - 1Mattos, Hermes18853
211324Colina, Gaston0 - 1Beledo, Carlos16482
341517De Amores, Thiago0bye0-1
Round 3 on 2024/11/04 at 21
131885Mattos, Hermes1 - 0Colina, Gaston13241
241517De Amores, Thiago1 - 0Martinez, Nelson13935
321648Beledo, Carlos0bye0-1
Round 4 on 2024/11/11 at 21
111324Colina, Gaston+ - -De Amores, Thiago15174
221648Beledo, Carlos1 - 0Mattos, Hermes18853
351393Martinez, Nelson0bye0-1
Round 5 on 2024/11/18 at 21
141517De Amores, Thiago- - +Beledo, Carlos16482
251393Martinez, Nelson0 - 1Colina, Gaston13241
331885Mattos, Hermes0bye0-1