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ACXA - XLVI Campeonato Distrital Individual Absoluto do Algarve- 2024/2025

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony12.01.2025 22:44:33, Creator/Last Upload: fpxfaro

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4. Runda w dniu 2024/12/07 o 15.00

SzachNrWhiteRgPkt WynikPkt BlackRgNr
111MARIA, Gonçalo Filipe Guerreiro17803 ½ - ½3 BITTNER, Titus Teodor19035
217CORREIA, Margarida de Melo Pereira1700 0 - 1 SILVÉRIO, Luis Filipe dos Reis20021
39PRATA, José Miguel Mendes1841 ½ - ½ PAULINO, José Manuel Gonçalves19274
42BOTELHO, Luis Miguel Rodrigues19622 1 - 02 GAMBÔA, Quévin Milhano174914
515LEAL, José Alberto Campos Martins17162 0 - 12 ESTEVES, Gonçalo Maria Franco Vasconcel19623
68COELHO, Rodrigo Brito18492 1 - 02 MACHADO, Manuel Domingos Jóia158223
710BAZAGLIA JUNIOR, Ivan17842 0 - 12 KUTREV, Rosen Rosenov161520
812HIPS, Valentyn17742 ½ - ½2 VORONKOV, Andrii044
940MITREANU, Andrei0 0 - 1 RUIVINHO, Carlos Miguel Fernandes18886
1024REIS, Eduardo Schmitz Hillebrecht1567 1 - 0 PENA, Hélio Adelino Silva18677
1116JEREMIAS, Damaim Luís Capitão1705 0 - 1 ANDRÉ, Angelo Konstantin027
1242OPATSKYY, Nazariy0 ½ - ½ CLÁUDIO, Luis Filipe Correia160422
1336FERREIRA, Patricia dos Santos01 0 - 11 SIMÕES, Francisco Guilherme Stichaner175913
1418SMEMAN, Lambertus16831 ½ - ½1 MANDIC, Matea038
1525POPOVICI, Vitor15601 1 - 01 OPATSKYY, Danylo041
1637HALETA, Oleh01 + - -1 MIHALI, Viktor148926
1739MANDIC, Mihajlo01 0 - 11 ANDRÉZ, João César Guerreiro028
1843THOMPOSON, Leonardo Martins01 0 - 11 BLIUC, Leonardo Veci030
1945ZISIMIDES, Christopher01 1 - 01 BREYNER, Domingos Matos Melo032
2021FREITAS, Carlos Duarte1609½ 1 - 00 BLIUC, Maximilian Veci031
2129BAKHRIYEV, Sharofitdin00 - - +0 FERNANDES, Luis Manuel da Rosa035
2234DERYVOLKOV, Matvei00 1 - 00 COSTA, Fábio Júnior Oliveira Fernande033
2319OLIVEIRA, José Casimiro Serrano1647½ 0 Nieskojarzony