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Nacional por Equipos Preparacion Juegos Nacionales 2027 Blitz Femenino

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony12.11.2024 01:45:47, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Search for team Szukanie

Wynik końcowy po 5 rundach

M-sceSNrFed DrużynaDrużynaPartie  +   =   -  TB 1  TB 2  TB 3  TB 4  TB 5 
44Bogota ABogota A5140611235,50
56Antioquia INDERAntioquia INDER41216111,518,30
67Bogota BBogota B5212508,521,80
75Antioquia JuniorAntioquia Junior41034087,50
89Antioquia SabanetaAntioquia Sabaneta40133183,80
98Antioquia PolijicAntioquia Polijic4013317,540

TB 1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB 2: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
TB 3: points (game-points)
TB 4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)
TB 5: Manually input (after Tie-Break matches)