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Uljma Blitz Open 2024 (MZ Uljma) PETAK 29.11. od 19h

Last update 23.10.2024 00:13:41, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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Starting rank

1Kotrla, Sebastian917117SRB2223
2Biberja, Kristijan960519SRB2001
3Ruzicic, Darko972673SRB1997
4Voina, Pau930156SRB1980
5Djukic, Luka R9219980SRB1952
6Brankovic, Tiberie9220113SRB1892
7Kljajin, Dragan977799SRB1871
8Stanojevic, Stanisa9211955SRB1870
9Djuric, Djurica991333SRB1862
10Voina, Victor9211963SRB1834
11Panic, Dejan9220342SRB1787
12Kaludjer, Janos9235170SRB1733
13Kotrla, Kristian956180SRB1698
14Roman, Jon9231484SRB1677
15Vasic, Nevena9207249SRB1573
16Perovic, Sofija9220350SRB1462
17Jovanov, Novak9237113SRB1432
18Ulman, Aleksandru9224461SRB1401
19Djerfi, Luka9242320SRB0
20Roman, Lionel9242826SRB0