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Tournoi Hiver 23/24 Standard Rowad Temara

Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 00:59:47, Creator/Last Upload: Knight Square

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Žrebovanie / výsledky

4. kolo dňa 2024/10/20 o 11h

š.č.TWhiteEloBody VýsledokBody TBlackEloč.
12Fadli, Oussama18883 3 Naji, Mohammed019
23Azbane, Hamid17722 2 Rahal, Mohamed020
313Ghilani, Aziz02 2 Elhaddad, Oussama012
45Laghmari, Aziz1692 Taj, Mourad19071
517Massoudi, Mohammed0 Hraich, Mohammed015
66Ouahib, Taha16551 1 Habibi Akka, Jamal014
721Serhani, Mohamed Yassine01 1 Bouaddi, Youssef09
810Bridila, Mohamed00 ½ El Kasri, Abdelkarim011
916Mansour, Anass00 0 Bendidouh, Taoufiq08
1018Mounim, Ben Ahmed00 voľno 
114El Baroudi, Abderrahmane1732 0 nežrebovaný 
127Ahris, Badr00 0 nežrebovaný