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Open Rapid 23- 10-2024 by A.C.C. ΠΑΡΑΒΟΛΟ : 5 ΕΥΡΩ

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.10.2024 19:29:35, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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1Gkekos, Ioannis42131227GRE1940
2Panopoulos, Ioannis4249968GRE1921
3Kastis, Fotis25800884GRE1908
4Poullas, Antonis4234464GRE1904
5Fotiadis, Filippos4295579GRE1878
6Giannoulis, Ilias4254244GRE1789
7Vaggos, Konstantinos25849697GRE1597
8Gkogka, Klevis42115094GRE1583
9ACMSehas, Nikolaos4214064GRE1562
10Gkogka, Elvis42115086GRE1558
11Donohue, SamUSA0
12Lanaras, PolydefkisGRE0