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Copa Dante de Xadrez 2024 - Blitz

Senast uppdaterad22.10.2024 22:27:56, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Carvalho AF

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Startlista, alfabetisk

1Antonio, Carlos0BRA
2Arthur, Moretzsohn0BRA
3Bernado, Antonio0BRA
4Caio, Ribeiro0BRA
5CauĆ£, Varjolo0BRA
6Christian, Domingues1903BRA
7Davi, de Jesus0BRA
8Davi, Luiz0BRA
9Davi, Luiz0BRA
10Jorge, Luiz0BRA
11Leonardo, Malheiros0BRA
12Marcelo, Fiqueiredo0BRA
13Marcus, Vinicius2011BRA
14Renzo, Renato0BRA
15Ricardo, Alexandre0BRA
16Ricardo, Hoffmann0BRA
17Samuel, Jorge0BRA
18Victor, Hugo0BRA
19Victor hugo, Coelho1816BRA
20Waldir, Marques0BRA
21Willian, Corcino0BRA
22Yuri, Henrique0BRA