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Copa da Dante de Xadrez 2024 - Rápido

Last update 16.11.2024 20:51:33, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Carvalho AF

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Starting rank

1Rodrigo, FerreiraBRA2076
2Marcus, ViniciusBRA2011
3Christian, DominguesBRA1903
4Victor Hugo, CoelhoBRA1816
5Carlos, FredericoBRA1780
6Andre, MunizBRA1774
7Claudio, de BurletBRA1472
8Felipe, KerBRA1425
9Amariah, SantosBRA0
10Antonio, CarlosBRA0
11Arthur, MoretzsohnBRA0
12Artur, LucasBRA0
13Bernando, AntonioBRA0
14Caio, RibeiroBRA0
15Cauã, VerjoloBRA0
16Davi, de JesusBRA0
17Davi, LuizBRA0
18Davi, RangelBRA0
19Eduarda, FiqueiraBRA0
20Emanuel, GiulianoBRA0
21Fernando, GondranBRA0
22Giuliano, FlorBRA0
23Henrique, FigueiraBRA0
24Hiago, SouzaBRA0
25Kelvin, BarbosaBRA0
26Leonardo, MalheirosBRA0
27Lorenzo, MatosBRA0
28Lucas, BarretoBRA0
29Marcelo, FiqueiredoBRA0
30Marcelo, JuniorBRA0
31Mario, SergioBRA0
32Mel, OliveiraBRA0
33Miguel, AndradeBRA0
34Miguel, CarneiroBRA0
35Peter, PaulBRA0
36Renato, CamposBRA0
37Renzo, RenatoBRA0
38Ricardo, HoffmannBRA0
39Samuel, JorgeBRA0
40Tales, da CunhaBRA0
41Victor, HugoBRA0
42Waldir, MarquesBRA0
43Willian, CorcinoBRA0
44Yuri, HenrigueBRA0
45Jorge, Luiz de souzaBRA0