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Campeonato Interno de Ajedrez "Rey Da Vinci 2024" Secundaria Varones

Senast uppdaterad22.10.2024 19:58:43, Creator/Last Upload: ALARIS NAIF

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1Berrocal Paucar, CamiloPER01ro
2Cacnahuaray Erribares, Oliver FabianPER03ro
3Cardenas Berrocal, AmirPER03ro
4Coronado Cardenas, Khenyu LyPER03ro
5Garcia Tacuri, Jose AntonioPER05to
6Guillen Cuerto, Jesus Gabriel JosePER01ro
7Huarancca Nunez, Wilian KevinPER05to
8Jayo Chavez, Chris DilandPER01ro
9Lopez Huaman, AxelPER05to
10Martinez Yupanqui, Jesus DavidPER01ro
11Mendoza Medina, Adhiel FernandoPER01ro
12Poma Felix, Jose DayiroPER01ro
13Quispe Poma, Jose ArmandoPER03ro
14Tito Baez, Fernando EdwinPER04to
15Torres Torre, Soccer Adrianho RikarlhoPER03ro
16Urquizo Janampa, Franck DanielPER04to
17Vaquerizo Llimpe, Albert AmirPER03ro