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Campeonato Interno de Ajedrez "Rey Da Vinci 2024" Secundaria Damas

Last update 22.10.2024 19:57:39, Creator/Last Upload: ALARIS NAIF

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1Ayala Quispe, Ana Celeste IvanaPER01ro
2Lapa Cuba, KatyuskaPER02do
3Nunez Curo, ValeriaPER02do
4Palomino Huaraz, Lia NayelyPER01ro
5Quito Mendoza, Tirsse LiaPER01ro
6Sosa Rocha, Luz AngelaPER01ro
7Sosa Rocha, Luz NayeliPER05to
8Vera Ramirez, InnaPER02do
9Villanueva Carbajal, LucianaPER01ro