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Battersea Annual Blitz Round Robin - Round 1

Posledná aktualizácia 22.10.2024 22:53:47, Creator/Last Upload: Rejean

Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu

6Farrand, Tom406457JCI1973
1Ward, Nicholas A343437990ENG1963Battersea
2Luc, Ethan467308ENG1821
9Dupuis, Denis K452980ENG1818
3Drennan, William B424897ENG1812
12Amabile, Domenico2808272ITA1773
5Welch, Stephen T445770ENG1674
7Madavan, BathumanENG1578Battersea
8Morales, Joel RENG1568Battersea
11Dupuis, Daniel343410529ENG1565
4Bruells, Alexander343457479ENG1564London Sw *
10Gopaldas, Caelan343438024ENG1525Pimlico