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Cassel Chess Club Tournament U13

Darrera actualització22.10.2024 19:11:44, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Maria Smit

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Rànquing inicial

1Aiseng, TireloNCJ0Rapelang Intermediate
2Baabua, ReaotshepaNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
3Botilo, LungileNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
4Chuma, NicolusNCJ0Pulelo Primary
5Direng, OnkgopotseNCJ0Glen Red Primary
6Disipi, LaronaNCJ0Glen Red Primary
7Disipi, TiroNCJ0Glen Red Primary
8Goitumetswe, TumelontleNCJ0Letlhakajaneng Primary
9Keorekile, RethabileNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
10Kgwanyape, OleratoNCJ0Glen Red Primary
11Matebesi, AgisanyangNCJ0Pulelo Primary
12Mkhokheli, KutlwanoNCJ0Simololang Primary
13Modimola, KaraboNCJ0Pulelo Primary
14Moncho, ThorisoNCJ0Glen Red Primary
15Mooketsi, TlotloNCJ0Pulelo Primary
16Moyo, LeratoNCJ0Pulelo Primary
17Moyo, LucasNCJ0Pulelo Primary
18Nnosang, MofenyiNCJ0Letlhakajaneng Primary
19Ntlaile, RefentseNCJ0Glen Red Primary
20Phirisi, TemogoNCJ0Glen Red Primary
21Segonetso, AtlegangNCJ0Pulelo Primary
22Snell, NicoleNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
23Tselayakgothu, PasekaNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
24Tshirang, ThorisoNCJ0Pulelo Primary