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Cassel Chess Club Tournament U11

Senast uppdaterad22.10.2024 19:10:36, Creator/Last Upload: Maria Smit

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1Aiseng, PholoNCJ0Rapelang Intermediate
2Baabua, BokangNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
3Baikepi, PheletsoNCJ0Pulelo Primary
4Block, TlhalefoNCJ0Glen Red Primary
5Cholo, HlonolofatsoNCJ0Pulelo Primary
6Kutu, AyandaNCJ0Pulelo Primary
7Letokwe, TlotlomatsoNCJ0Pulelo Primary
8Magawane, PabaleloNCJ0Glen Red Primary
9Marate, ReabetsweNCJ0Glen Red Primary
10Moepadira, RebaoneNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
11Mokomele, OmogoloNCJ0Glen Red Primary
12Moleele, GofaoneNCJ0Rapelang Intermediate
13Monchwe, LethaboNCJ0Pulelo Primary
14Moseki, KeaorataNCJ0Letlhakajaneng Primary
15Motheo, KicoNCJ0Pulelo Primary
16Motoloaneng, TemosoNCJ0Letlhakajaneng Primary
17Oepeng, TlhagoNCJ0Glen Red Primary
18Oepeng, TshimegaNCJ0Glen Red Primary
19Pilane, TsholofeloNCJ0Simololang Primary
20Segaecho, RealebogaNCJ0Thaganyane Primary
21Sibanda, PatriciaNCJ0Pulelo Primary
22Thaganyane, TumisoNCJ0Simololang Primary
23Tlholonyane, BotsheloNCJ0Simololang Primary