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Torneo Aniversario IEP Johannes Gutemberg - Sub 12

Last update 22.10.2024 19:06:29, Creator/Last Upload: Academia Torre Blanca Chulucanas

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Starting rank

1Atarama Tezen, SebastianPER0
2Caballero Bruno, AxelPER0
3Chavez Garcia, ThiagoPER0
4Crisanto Alban, JavierPER0
5Davalos Lopez, MaitePER0
6Palacios Garcia, MattiasPER0
7Palma Gallardo, AdrianoPER0
8Patino Reyes, SebastianPER0
9Valladolid Calle, AmyPER0
10Vilchez Frias, DayronPER0
11Vilela Barba, FabioPER0