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Torneo Aniversario IEP Johannes Gutemberg - SUB 08

Senast uppdaterad22.10.2024 18:11:51, Creator/Last Upload: Academia Torre Blanca Chulucanas

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1Cordova Uribe, FabricioPER0
2Espinoza Juarez, EmilyPER0
3Mendoza Rivas, ReynaPER0
4Morales Valencia, ValentinaPER0
5Pasache Pasapera, Jorge RenatoPER0
6Puertas Juarez, MilagrosPER0
7Riva Rubio, OctavioPER0
8Rivas de la Cruz, JosePER0
9Saavedra Lopez, EinarPER0
10Seclen Palomino, DarielPER0
11Vilchez Tavara, MariajosePER0