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4th JMD Chess Tournament Open

Last update 10.11.2024 12:12:42, Creator/Last Upload: ROHIT_SHARMA

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Starting rank

1Shubham Shukla,IND1851
2Amanpreet Singh Khinda,IND1811
3Ramandeep Singh Gill,IND1704
4Ankur Mehta,IND1662
5Aryan Mehta,IND1556
6Puneet Bakshi,IND1485
7Abhishek Arora,IND0
8Dikshant Jain,IND0
9Jai Jagdish Ghai,IND0
10Kanwarbir Singh,IND0
11Kesav Chopra,IND0
12Ojas Jain,33431922IND0
14Piyush Singla,IND0
15Rajyavardhan Singh Manhas,IND0
16Ranbir Sehjal,IND0
18Swati Gupta,88161250IND0
19Vanshdeep Singh,IND0