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REPORTING TIME : 9:30 AM ROUND 1 : 10AM Technical Supported By : Master Mind Chess Academy . First 100 Entries Will Be Given T-Shirts .ONE DAY OPEN RAPID CHESS TOURNAMENT , KHARAGPUR 09.11.2024Վերջին արդիացում23.10.2024 15:06:58, Creator/Last Upload: Bengal Chess Association
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ | Տիպ |
1 | | Avijit, Das | 35027409 | IND | 1840 | | |
2 | | Sounak, De | 35026879 | IND | 1827 | | |
3 | | Chandra Sekhar, Rout | 35067648 | IND | 1769 | | A55 |
4 | | Rittik, Chakraborty | 25612204 | IND | 1555 | | |
5 | | Pradip, Dey | 45079455 | IND | 1553 | | A55 |
6 | | Arijit, Giri | 429064821 | IND | 1512 | | U11 |
7 | | Soumyadeep, Dey | 25164872 | IND | 1485 | | U13 |
8 | | Shyamal, Panchadhyai | 45079510 | IND | 1474 | | A55 |
9 | | Sourav Nath, Dalal | 33349673 | IND | 1469 | | |
10 | | Divyansh, Barik | 48736481 | IND | 1461 | | U11 |
11 | | Sourin, Mondal | 48736686 | IND | 1456 | | U13 |
12 | | Prabir, Biswas | 45079447 | IND | 1455 | | A55 |
13 | | Koushik, Pal | 25717316 | IND | 1452 | | |
14 | | Sandhik, Sarkar | 48705110 | IND | 1444 | | U15 |
15 | | Pratim, Paul | 429065011 | IND | 1426 | | U15 |
16 | | Aayansh, Kumar Chowhan | | IND | 0 | | U07 |
17 | | Abaneesh, Kumar Chowhan | | IND | 0 | | U11 |
18 | | Anay, Dutta | | IND | 0 | | U07 |
19 | | Aritra, Mitra | | IND | 0 | | U13 |
20 | | Deepto, Biswas | | IND | 0 | | U07 |
21 | | Krishna, Gautam | 531085261 | IND | 0 | | U11 |
22 | | M., Aashi | | IND | 0 | w | U09 |
23 | | Monali, Biswas | 48787558 | IND | 0 | w | U11 |
24 | | Nammi Neha, Valli | 25996177 | IND | 0 | w | |
25 | | Ritam, Jharimunya | 429065054 | IND | 0 | | U15 |
26 | | Shreya, Gautam | 531089615 | IND | 0 | w | U07 |
27 | | Sreyan, Debgharia | 429096715 | IND | 0 | | U11 |
28 | | Sukanta, Chakraborty | | IND | 0 | | U15 |