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Darrera actualització26.10.2024 22:00:09, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Eddie Bhila

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Rànquing inicial

1Glass, GiftRSA1566
2Ogunjiofor, Chinedu JeremyRSA1505
3Bhembe, KhweziRSA1353Nkomazi Chess Club
4Mokoena, LebogangRSA1336
5Nobela, AwandeRSA1329Nkomazi Chess Club
6Mthombeni, NomfundoRSA1298
7Khoza, HopeRSA1270
8Theron, BenjaminRSA1262
9Mkhabela, SabeloRSA1247
10Singwayo, JuniorRSA1229
11Khoza, TshidisoRSA1223
12Nyakile, RafaelRSA1223
13Ntlemo, NhloriRSA1211Mbombela Chess Academy
14Sibanyoni, QondileRSA1207Mbombela Chess Academy
15Pillay, JamaalRSA1199
16Mbokodo, SolomonRSA0
17Mkhonto, GomolemoRSA0
18Mudimeli, VhulendaRSA0
19Ngonyama, SongezoRSA0
20Nhamuxwe, ErnestRSA0
21Sgudhla, BafanaRSA0
22Shabangu, MelchiizedekRSA0
23Tshabalala, SiphesishleRSA0
24Ussiana, SammyrRSA0