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Festival de Ajedrez - Torneo Infantil C.C. Plaza Eboli

Last update 26.10.2024 13:38:35, Creator/Last Upload: MARTÍNEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Noemi

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Starting rank

1Lopez Lopez, Arturo54796610ESP1731S12
2Caballero Sanchez, Francisco54766974ESP1666S12
3Duran Rodriguez, Adriana94737649ESP1488S12
4Alcantara Fernandez, Marcos54735599ESP1463
5Alcantara Fernandez, JorgeESP0S10
6Alcorlo Calvo, MateoESP0S10
7Almendro Iturbide, DavidESP0
8Andreev Uzunov, DenisESP0S10
9Andreeva Uzunova, DariaESP0S08
10Arroyo Gonzalez, Daniel Fernando94791147ESP0S08
11Beltran Wijers, LucaESP0S10
12Bermejo Sotoca, LuciaESP0S10
13Bermejo Sotoca, PabloESP0S08
14Blazquez Penalver, Mario523084979ESP0S08
15Cabello Galan, NicolasESP0S10
16Caceres Jerez, JoaquinESP0
17Calvo Blazquez, YagoESP0S08
18Cano Ramirez de Arellano, NicolasESP0S12
19Cisneros Fuentes, AdrianESP0S12
20Contreras Blasco, Luis ManuelESP0S08
21Diaz Nunez, JairoESP0S12
22Diaz Turlej, MaximilianoESP0S10
23Garcia Arias, CarlosESP0S08
24Garcia Martinez, AdrianESP0S10
25Gonzalez Del Campo Alonso, Pablo94791422ESP0S08
26Gonzalez Santos, Jorge HumbertoESP0S08
27Guerra Arroyo, Ivan523007974ESP0S12
28Ingelmo Garcia, DavidESP0S12
29Leon Ferreiro, EmmaESP0S08
30Llena Hernandez, SofiaESP0S08
31Lopez Perandres, HugoESP0S12
32Lopez Pereira, Irene94799113ESP0S10
33Martin Serrano, SergioESP0S12
34Mayo Visan, AlvaroESP0
35Moreno Rodriguez, Gonzalo94795738ESP0S10
36Moreno Rodriguez, Mario535003740ESP0S08
37Munoz Ramos, SergioESP0S10
38Olmedilla Fernandez, AlvaroESP0S08
39Palomo Perez, Angel JavierESP0
40Palomo Perez, CesarESP0S12
41Palomo Perez, JimenaESP0S08
42Perez Santa Maria, SilviaESP0S08
43Reyes Macias, LucasESP0S08
44Rodao Heredero, MartinESP0S10
45Rodriguez Barbero Robledo, MateoESP0S08
46Rodriguez Jimenez, InesESP0S10
47Rodriguez Valero, Marcos523085673ESP0S12
48Rojas Ticona, James Alejandro94799334ESP0S12
49Rojas Vilchez, CarlosESP0S12
50Rojas Vilchez, OliverESP0S12
51Rossi, LeonESP0S08
52Rossi, Vito GenaroESP0S10
53Sanroman Buenvaron, DanielESP0S10
54Solera Diaz, Manuel523006064ESP0S08
55Solis Martinez, PabloESP0S12
56Temciuc, DanielESP0S08
57Temciuc, DavidESP0S10
58Torrico Ruiz, IsmaelESP0
59Urrea Rodao, Bruno94782091ESP0S10
60Vazquez, CarlosESP0S12
61Vazquez, OliverESP0S08
62Verdu Gomez, Hector94799717ESP0S12
63Vicens Alonso, Carlota535023520ESP0
64Zhang, Yuxing94799180ESP0S10