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Elichess Monthly Rapids October

Last update 22.10.2024 11:24:46, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Akenten, AikinsGHA0
2Akpa, PrinceGHA0
3Ameku, PhilipGHA0
4Anhwere, BernardGHA0
5Anquandah, TerenceGHA0
6Antwi, SamuelGHA0
7Fomevor, ClintonGHA0
8Frempong, SmartGHA0
9Kassim, UmarGHA0
10Kpodo, EvansGHA0
11Kporxah, MaxwellGHA0
12Lamptey, DennisGHA0
13Nyamful, MartinGHA0
14Otoo Biney, BernardGHA0
15Senyegah, PaulGHA0
16Tandoh, JeshurunGHA0