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Festivalul Pegas - AUTUMN - 9-10 noiembrie Cluj-Napoca (8000 lei fond de premiere) - Rapid

Last update 17.11.2024 08:52:27, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 32)

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1IAmbru, Dan-Calin122316020742009Cs Atlas Sah
2NMMinescu, Dragos-Olivar-Laurentiu120399119991993Acs Napocensis Activ Cluj Napo
3NMHelmer, Janos120123919851933Csm Cluj Napoca
4CMOsianu, Tudor121248619531953Csm Cluj Napoca
5IArba, Constantin-Andrei121667819221919Csm Cluj Napoca
6CMAlmasan, Calin-Ovidiu121080718791862Cs Juniorul Cluj Napoca
7FCAl Khalili, Mohammad1381105401586901Cs Pegas Cluj Napoca
8IICret, George-Christian4220726615801620Css Viitorul Cluj-Napoca
9IICret, Andrei-Rares4220725815701594Css Viitorul Cluj-Napoca
10IICurta, Cristian-Lucian4221590015181515Cs Pegas Cluj Napoca
11IIMorariu, Serban-Ioan4220745214831487Cs Pegas Cluj Napoca