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Bandar Penawar Under Age Chess Championship (U12) 5th Series

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.10.2024 18:34:49, Creator/Last Upload: Genius Chess Learning Center

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1Ahmad Hakimi, Bin Ahmad MuhaiminMAS0Bandar Penawar
2Ahmad Haziq, Bin Ahmad MuhaiminMAS0Bandar Penawar
3Ayesha Naazira, Binti Moh Audi AshraafMAS0Bandar Penawar 2
4Harraz Ismail, SyazrinMAS0Bandar Penawar
5Ruthran, A/L Nantha KumarMAS0Permas Baru
6Sarah Azzahra, Binti Moh Audi AshraafMAS0Bandar Penawar 2