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Champion: $900
Top 3: Medal & Certificate

Start at 7pm (Registration for round 1 pairing 6:55pm)

KCA Tournament 2024 Blitz S6 (FIDE Rated) Nov 22nd

Վերջին արդիացում22.11.2024 14:18:10, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1FMLam, Daniel King Wai6001238HKG1980
2Lopez de Anda, Edgar30941539HKG1860
3FMHo, In Hei Henry6002552HKG1810
4Londono, Diego4457811COL1704
5Cailloce, Julien26016222FRA1687
6Leung, Yui6016456HKG1585
7Chan, Zen HK6015387HKG0
8Cheung, Shing Hin Thomas6016340HKG0
9Tang, Justin Suyang6016464HKG0
10Tsoi, Ka Ho6017118HKG0
11Yeoh, Christopher Hin Hong6008844HKG0