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National Rapid Chess Championship 2024 @ KL Gateway Mall

Seinast dagført23.10.2024 14:34:29, Creator/Last Upload: Malaysian Chess Federation

Alphabetical list all groups

1Cairel Adrin, Rumi Arjuna Malique03582077217860MASRapid
2Cairel Adrin, Rumi Arjuna Malique03582077218210MASBlitz
3CMKavin, Mohan220400077573904721111800MASBlitz
4CMKavin, Mohan220400077573904720761800MASRapid
5Neoh, Cayson03586589000MASRapid
6Neoh, Cayson03586589000MASBlitz
7Vijayan, Logitan2306003323582589815121406MASBlitz
8Vijayan, Logitan2306003323582589815731406MASRapid
9Yoon, Zhi Yong2305004103583451001152MASRapid
10Yoon, Zhi Yong2305004103583451014361152MASBlitz
11Yoon, Zi Jie2305004093582492114971135MASRapid
12Yoon, Zi Jie2305004093582492115491135MASBlitz