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Total Prizes 45 Trophies

LimitedEntries :150 Participants
Contact for Registration
Sharath- 7892982816
Chiranth- 8867975560
Bharath- 9008428951

1st Like Chess Under 16 Tournament Shimoga 17th November

Darrera actualització23.10.2024 06:11:49, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Vidhatri Lakshmi

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Rànquing inicial

1Aashrith Y S,0U14
2Amogha Udupa K,0U12
3Athreya R,0U14
4Hardikgowda H S,0U08
5Manoj S V,0U14
6Pranav A R,0U14
7Rishik S,0U12
8Samartha M P,0U14
9Varshika Madli,0wU10
10Vishakhadatta K S,0U10
11Vishodhana Sharma K S,0U08