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2024 NY Fall Invitational IM C

Senast uppdaterad12.11.2024 01:24:27, Creator/Last Upload:

Lista över spelare

6GMPlat, Vojtech325740CZE2464
4IMBortnyk, Mykola14120836UKR2405
5FMMatta, Nicholas30914523USA2285
7CMCherukuri, Nitesh30978688USA2271
9FMTanenbaum, Zachary2060850USA2263
10Rajesh, C.S.5025184IND2205
3Pang, Qi30962552USA2173
2FMKretchetov, Alexandre4124588RUS2146
8Iinuma, Paul Y2031809USA2125
1IMHebbar, Eshaan30974690USA2074