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2024 NY Fall Invitational GM B

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony12.11.2024 01:21:39, Creator/Last Upload:

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

6GMCordova, Emilio3801497PER2525
5GMBudisavljevic, Luka960047SRB2488
2GMParagua, Mark5201241PHI2446
7IMStearman, Josiah2062496USA2445
9IMChen, Ryo7003072USA2435
10IMJacobson, Aaron2089912USA2368
3FMAdewumi, Tanitoluwa30966396USA2347
4FMMendes, Aaron Reeve25954938CAN2320
1IMPetenyi, Tamas14909090SVK2303
8FMAmburgy, Ryan30924820USA2234