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2024 NY Fall Invitational GM A

Posledná aktualizácia 12.11.2024 23:15:24, Creator/Last Upload:

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Štartová listina

1GMNyzhnyk, Illya14118084UKR2576
2GMTeclaf, Pawel1185934POL2568
3IMCan, Isik6383742TUR2508
4IMHardaway, Brewington30941849USA2490
5GMBarbosa, Oliver5201640PHI2446
6IMGriffith, Kyron2046318USA2407
7IMOstrovskiy, Aleksandr2034239USA2398
8IMMandizha, Farai11000430ZIM2376
9IMWilliams, Justus2049929USA2355
10IMRozman, Levy2039877USA2347
11IMKaliksteyn, Alexander2007630USA2344