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Posledná aktualizácia 22.10.2024 22:58:44, Creator/Last Upload: ALARIS NAIF

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Štartová listina

1ACMGonzalo Garate, Luis Valentino3843530PER1670
2Canahuire Barrios, Gabriel Eduardo3861627PER1646
3Arcadio, IvanPER0
4Arias Machaca, NohemyPER0
5Caviedes Conde, Dennys LuiguiPER0
6Chavez Quispe, MiluscaPER0
7Chinchay Quispe, Ricardo ArmandoPER0
8Choque Cordovaa, HectorPER0
9Chullo Suarez, Ruth KaterinePER0
10Condory Espinoza, SamuelPER0
11Gomez Tomaylla, RominaPER0
12Guardapuclla Ojeda, Jhida KhilmenyaPER0
13Huillcacuri Torres, MeachetPER0
14Laura Huaita, DaniloPER0
15Morveli Roa, DiegoPER0
16Pacheco Marmanillo, Vhelu FortunataPER0
17Paucar Champi, Omar DavidPER0
18Pereira Serrano, Erkan ZanderPER0
19Quispe Luque, Kevin PaulPER0
20Quispe Luque, Luis FernandoPER0
21Ramos Condori, WildePER0
22Sicus Aldazabal, Brayan CristoferPER0
23Tinta Ccana, Eduardo PaoloPER0
24Velazquez Ocampo, Ana LuisaPER0