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Torneio de duplas XADREZ ERREJOTA

Վերջին արդիացում10.11.2024 01:52:27, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

Search for team Որոնում

Վերջնական դասակարգում 6 տուրից հետո

ՏSNoԹիմՊարտիաներ  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
14Piratas do Caribe6501109,5040,564
25Game Over641199,5044,562
59Romário e Viola632188,5042,552
616Arautos do Xeque-mate62408803946
76Zeus e Anfitrião640288038,548
88Ráter do Tiquin632187,5044,555
92Dama d4632187,504248
1010Team PUC-Rio632187,5037,549
111Tigres de Bengala632187042,552
127Meninos Travessos631277,5042,542
1330Castelo de GEO623177,5029,528
1414Menos Xadrez631277038,535
1511Balança, mas não cai62317603840
1626Pair of Bishops630366,503522
1717Saca rolha630366038,526
1812Einhorn de Munique622266037,532
1920Só quero me divertir62226603627
2033Ratões do Chess62226603329
2128Estratégicos e furiosos62226602415
2324Tal pai, Tal filho630365034,524
2427Caçadores de Capivaras613255,503930
2518Ana Karla e Giovana621355,502917
2622Carrasco do Xadrez613255035,519
2736Qualquer um620445025,58
2923A aliança das Rainhas620444,5033,512
3021Poderosas do Municipal620444,5028,512
3125Chess Pedro II620444034,516
3334Leticia e Juliana611433026,53
3432Conexão Mesquita611432,5033,513
3519Power Duo501411023,56

Լրացուցիչ ցուցանիշներ:
TB1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB2: points (game-points)
TB3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
TB4: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
TB5: Total MP opponent × MP scored. (EMMSB)