SNCL Division 3

Last update 24.11.2024 20:15:37, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

Tournament selectionDivision 1, Division 2, Division 3
Parameters Show tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsTeam-Starting rank
Team-Composition with round-results, Team-Composition without round-results, Ranking crosstable after Round 4
Starting rank list of players, Alphabetical list, Alphabetical list all groups
Team pairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4
Statistics, Playing schedule
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Team-Composition without round-results

  6. Edinburgh 3 (RtgAvg:1421 / TB1: 4 / TB2: 8,5)
1Mcconnell, Ivor1470SCO240973924
2Sokolenko, Olha1435UKR1418267014
3Wilson, Florence1401SCO240684524
4Govil, Arnav0SCO241550024
5Chittam, Venkata0SCO241587902
6Palaniswamy, Drisith0SCO24100101,52